Azure App Service - ENV variables are not always as they seem
Well that was an interesting rabbit hole to have found myself in…
Well that was an interesting rabbit hole to have found myself in…
Do you want to write cleaner, more maintainable code? You might consider taking a look at the Single Responsibility Principle, it’s what is represented by the “S” in the 5 principles that make up SOLID, a set of guidelines first established by Robert C. Martin (aka Uncle Bob) back in the early 2000’s.
After seeing a few tweets and blog posts about Fathom (a privacy-compliant web analytics platform like Google Analytics) I figured I would take a look. I am in the market for a analytics solution for my website, and I am a sucker for a beautifully designed and modern UI.
If you’ve picked up your phone in the last day, you have likely seen tons of posts, tweets, captions etc. resembling something like the title of this post...