Welcome to my blog
If you're reading this, you're probably wondering what this blog is all about. The short answer is that it's a place for me to share my thoughts and experiences on a variety of topics, including stuff like web development, entrepreneurship, and personal growth.
So, what can you expect to see on this blog?
As I mentioned earlier, I plan to write about a variety of topics. Some posts will be more technical in nature, while others will be more personal. Some may be long and in-depth, while others may be shorter and more to-the-point.
I've been listening to Caleb Porzio's "Notes on Work" podcast more frequently recently and there is a reoccurring theme that he touches on:
When you are stuck on a problem, try writing about that problem. Write something that details what you are trying to do, what you have already tried, and why you think the problem is happening. Often times, you can sort out your own issues when you write them down - the right path almost jumps out at you when you see it written down long-form.
This idea resonated with me, and since I'm not about to start recording myself talking about my problems out loud (not yet, anyway), I figured this would be a good alternative.
Public post-it note
I used to be the type of developer who scattered post-its all over my desk with all the things I had to do in a day. I've iterated on that design many times over the years, but I always come back to something that resembles that pattern. My current system is a combination of Todoist and Notion - if you follow any of the "Productivity YouTubers", this won't be new for you. Why am I saying this? Well, initially, I plan on using this platform as a way to make my digital "post-its" more visible. My hope is that with them being more visible, it will help me to refine them a little better and, in turn, that will help me to refine my processes.
So, if any of this sounds interesting, I hope you'll join me on this journey and that you'll find something of value in the content I share. If you have any feedback or suggestions for future topics, I'd love to hear from you!
How to get it touch?
DM me @pjkellar on Twitter or email me
Patrick ✌️