New Website Checklist
I am almost embarrassed to admit that this is the first time in my career that I’ve had my own website. I recently grabbed this .dev
domain name from GoDaddy after having the same URL with the .ca
domain for years and never doing much with it.
Now that I’ve got the domain set up, and the site hosted with Vercel (which was unbelievably simple to get setup) I have a couple more tweaks to make before it’s really “launched” IMO. So, I guess right now we’ll say that it’s in soft launched? Or maybe it’s in beta… Although for beta I think that would require people to actually be using the site!
So, in an effort to keep things on track I figured I would start a little running checklist for things I still need to do — instead of waiting until these things are all done to post this site, like the perfectionist in me would rather…
- Create a checklist for tracking todo items (because you always want to cross something off quick!)
- Add “uses” page that lists the tech I use, books I enjoy, podcasts I listen to, etc.
- Add “tags” for blog posts with a “word cloud” of popular tags, sorted by how often I’ve used them.
- Write a “how I built this blog” post.
- Setup a email address
- Setup “contact me” page
- Setup a “subscribe” form for signing up to receive email notifications about new posts
- Add common article signature instead of adding it to each post (This one will come in handy)
That’s all for today,
Patrick ✌️